Our upcoming vendor event is the 18th Annual Chigger Hill IBCA BBQ Cook-off!
Requirements for vendor participation for Chigger Hill: $30 vendor fee OR donate an item for our silent auction. Prepayment or early item donation is required to save your space. Payment can be cash or check. Payment can be mailed or dropped off to our post during business hours (see Contact page). If mailing, please address your payment or item to Attn: Chigger Hill, 1919 American Legion Drive, Huntsville TX 77320. Make sure to include the vendor registration form with your payment (attached). Event coordinators will be in touch to confirm the payment and registration were received!
To print the flyer and registration, please use the Web Capture feature (click on the three dots located at the top right-hand corner of the screen, select Web Capture, then select Capture Area. When the X cursor appears, click on it and drag it across the flyer to encompass the whole image, then release the mouse, select Copy, and paste the image onto a Word document to print.
Concrete patio space and power is VERY LIMITED. Contact our vendor coordinator right away if you want to offer live services during the event and have equipment that will need power. We cannot guarantee accommodation as it first comes, first served.
Be prepared to set up outside on the lawn. Depending on your goods for sale, you may need to bring portable lighting and power (if you plan to be open after dark, outside lighting at the post is limited). You should bring table(s), chairs, and shade, such as an Easy-up awning or other shade tent. Our post has a canteen and inside restrooms which will be available for your patronage during the event window.
Be prepared to drive onto the vendor area for set up and take down only. Once you are unloaded and set up, we will ask that you relocate your vehicles to the parking areas out back on the property. We will ensure that we have mowed and do our best to offer safe conditions for your vehicle.