With the sounds of synchronized steps and a bugler playing Taps, in sorrow, and in celebration, an Honor Guard presentation can stir up deep emotions. The Honor Guard symbolizes our freedoms and the sacrifices from the men and women who defend our country by presenting funerary colors for our nation's veterans.
The Honor Guard also hosts flag retirement ceremonies, participates in events that celebrate our nation’s colors and fulfills the American Legion’s Preamble “to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism.”
Featured here, our Sam Houston Post 95 Honor Guard honored our National Flag Day on June 14 by retiring and replacing our post flag! Then, on August 26, they honored those 13 men and women lost in Kabul Afghanistan. Our Honor Guard regularly presents arms and ceremonial folds flags for local memorial services and supports many other local activities in coordination with the VFW and H.E.A.R.T.S. museum.
On 11/10/23, our Honor Guard posted colors for Congressman Sessions speech at the H.E.A.R.T.S.museum complex storm shelter, tor the USMC birthday luncheon. They were named and thanked personally, one of the many major recognitions our honor guard receives throughout each year.
If you'd like to know more about the American Legion Honor Guards and all the ways they serve, visit this link: https://www.legion.org/honor/honorguards